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2024-01-10 18:26:34 体育综合

Badminton Rules and Regulations

Badminton, also known as shuttlecock or badminton, is a popular racquet sport played by two or four players. The objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and into the opponent's court in such a way that it cannot be returned. In this article, we will discuss the rules of badminton in detail.

1. Definitions

Player: Any person playing badminton.

Match: The basic contest in badminton, played between two players or two pairs of players.

Game: The unit in which the match is decided. It is typically played to 21 points, with the winner needing a two-point advantage.

Serve: The act of striking the shuttlecock to initiate play.

Rally: A sequence of one or more strokes played by the players until the shuttlecock goes out of play or a fault is committed.

2. Singles

In singles, a match is played between two players. The court dimensions remain the same as the doubles court, but the boundaries for serving and receiving are different. The server must serve from the right service court and the receiver must stand diagonally opposite in the left service court.

3. Doubles

In doubles, a match is played between two pairs of players. The court dimensions are 6.1 meters wide and 13.4 meters long. Each pair of players takes up one half of the court. The serving and receiving boundaries are different for the two teams. The server must serve from the right service court, and the receiver must stand diagonally opposite in the left service court.

4. Service

The server must serve the shuttlecock diagonally over the net into the opponent's service court.

The serve must be struck below the server's waist level.

The shuttlecock must be hit in an upward direction.

The server must serve from the right service court and the receiver must stand diagonally opposite in the left service court.

5. Faults

If the server fails to serve the shuttlecock into the receiver's service court, a fault is committed.

If the shuttlecock lands outside the boundaries of the court, a fault is committed.

If the shuttlecock fails to pass over the net, a fault is committed.

6. Scoring

A point is awarded to the serving side if the receiving side commits a fault.

A point is awarded to the receiving side if the serving side commits a fault.

The side that wins the rally scores a point and continues to serve.

The game is typically played to 21 points, with the winner needing a two-point advantage.


Badminton, a popular racquet sport, follows a set of rules that govern the gameplay. Whether played in singles or doubles, the objective is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and into the opponent's court in a way that it cannot be returned. Serving, scoring, and avoiding faults are crucial aspects of the game. By following these rules, players can enjoy a fair and competitive match of badminton.